Attorney Kevin E. Posen Wins Jury Verdict Of $127,733.45 Plus Attorney Fees On Behalf Of Large Publisher

Partner, Kevin E. Posen represented a large publisher of advertisements in its case to recover advertising charges due to it for ads published in various directories. The plainiff publisher and the defendant, a law firm, entered into four separate advertising contracts duing the period of September 2006 through July 2007. The plaintiff promised to publish defendants law firm advertisements and the defendant promised to pay the plaintiff the agreed upon advertising charges. The defendant filed a jury demand and the case proceeded to trial before a jury from 5/16/2011 to 5/18/2011. The defendant contended that no contracts were entered into, that if the jury found contracts were entered into, then the plaintiff failed to perform its obligations and finally that the plaintiff failed to mitigate its damages. The twelve 12 person jury unanimously found in favor of the plaintiff and awarded all charges billed which amounted to $91,341.14 plus late charges of $36,392.31. In addition, the court awarded the plaintiff its attorney fees of $14,175.00.

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